This blog will chronicle my DYI project to shoot a 3D video installation, with little budget, and a very limited time frame (max one month), and do it in the most high-rez quality possible.
Why and how?
Why 3D and why the rush?
In my work, I have developed this curiosity with perception. How we input stimulus, especially visually and audio stimulus; how it functions and where it breaks down. 3D adds not only an extra layer to play with (as well as an extra technical challenge) but it mirrors our own perception of world. I want to experiment with it, see how it works and where it's limits lie.
And the rush, well, it's because of location - and I'll elaborate on the 'story' later- but it is to be shot in a corn field, and as they are to be harvested soon, the clock is ticking.
Which is ironic because it's a project I've had in the works for years. I've worked through the theoretical aspects, wrote about it, applied for funding but nothing ever came out of it, so I decided to do it anyways, on my own and with my own means. So I started researching, poking around the net for idea of how I can do it, and then just this weekend, decided that it was now or never. And if I want to do it in this location, it's in the next 3 weeks or never.
Some test footage on location scout with a DVX-100A.
The How.
After some some research, I think I decided to shoot using two Canon 5DmkIIs, with their beautiful full-frame, 1080p resolution, and their compact, lightweight form. I'm am not 100% sold on this format, as it seems to be, for lack of a better term, an "in-between" format, i.e., a really good still image camera offering some very decent video options, but when you are coming from pro video cameras, it leaves some things to be desired. I will keep you posted, but this seems like a pretty sweet solution for now.
I will use the
Lvshi Twin Camera Bar pictured above to ensure proper camera placement and the whole rig will be placed on a steadycam.
I will detail more on the shoot and elaborate on the actual project later, but for now I will leave with thoughts on how everything has been already done/we are all one sentient, conscious being that share thoughts/the internet is a crazy place.
The final form of the installation will be based on a modified, ninetieth-century stereoscope, but instead of the stereo cards that come with viewer, I will install some kind of LCD screen. I proudly came up with idea all by myself, but low and behold, a little searching on the intertubes reveals it has been done before, by two different people!!
This was very surprising and, at first, a little annoying because I really thought I had something novel, but I quickly became excited because it proved that the project is technically feasible, and gave me some ideas I would have never came up with on my own. Like using a PSP for a screen, in the picture below from, or a full step by step instruction of a similar project from
Jesse Ferguson pictured above.
My piece will of course have it's own form/style, but these are great inspirations and actually not too far from what my final product will look like.
Stay tuned as I detail what is to be created to go inside the box.